Dress 1069

infusing style and elegance into your

Available in both short sleeves and 3/4 sleeves, adorned with chic cuffs. Fastening is a breeze, thanks to rust resistant snaps. The thoughtful design includes two comfortable lower pockets discreetly tucked between the contouring cuts and side seams, adorned with gently rounded openings for a subtle touch of refinement. This knee-length dress boasts a scoop neckline finished with a delicate V-shape, bestowing a dose of charm and sophistication. Its front is enhanced by two vertical contouring cuts, and the back features two tailored darts for a perfect fit. A contrasting waistband on the sides beautifully accentuates the waistline. Striking contrast accents at the neckline, sleeves, and pockets infuse it with a unique and contemporary flair.

You can choose from a range of high-quality fabrics, including Rofinor, Charlotte, Teredo and Tiajo, all available in a wide range of sizes (including non-standard ones).